Leitung: Maximilian Latz, Nadja Heckelsberg


Verstärker vom 18.07.2006:

Non-verbal geht auch

instrumental en mass

Verstärker spielt euch heute Instrumentalstücke von Bands die keine (reinen) Instrumentalbands sind!
U.a. zu hören sind Fugazi, Blackmail, Every time I Die, Monochrome, Frodus, Oceansize, Queens of the Stone Age, Tarantula AD, Who made Who u.v.m.
Stilistisch bunt gemischtes, dazu wie gewohnt Konzerttipps, erwarten euch für einen angenehmen Hörgenuss.


Juliane Martin und Jan Wenz

1. converge - first light (you fail me) epitaph
2. monochrome - supervisor (laser) trans solar
3. coalfield, the - contrast factor (transmitter) defiance
4. thunderbear - i grunden erafgrunden grunden (s/t) morningside
5. cave in - decay of the delay (jupiter) hydra head
6. ozma - the landing of jurigagarin (spending time at the boarderline) zomba
7. don caballero - and and and helowered the twin down (world class listening problem) relapse
8. minor - as ritual (demo) selbstvertrieb
9. grails - the volunteer (redlight) neurot recordings
10. fugazi - brendan #1 (repeater) dischord
11. neil perry - kicked (lineage situation) level plane
12. morgoth - odium (odium) centurymedia
13. reggie and the full effect ?laura's australian dance party (songs not to get married to) vagrant
14. taken - beauty in dead flowers (and they slept) goodfellow
15. tarantula ad - the centurytrilogy I conques (book of sand) kemado
16. oceansize - i am the morning (efloresce) beggars
17. 31 knots - selfie (climax anticlimax) selbstvertrieb
18. every time i die - enter without knocking and notify the police (last night in town) ferret
19. frodus - belgian congo (and we washed our weapons in the sea) fueled by ramen
20. saetia - woodwell (retrospective) level plane
21. standstill - the ionic spell (the ionic spell) defiance
22. queens of the stone age - hispanic impressions (s/t) roadrunner
23. ...trail of dead - invocation (source tags and codes) interscope
24. 31 knots - flight of the moron (a word is also a picture of a word) 54° 40 or fight
25. blackmail - the day the eartstood still (bliss please) speicherstadt
26. who made who - got to be there (s/t) gomma
27. fugazi - combination lock (red medicine) dischord


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