Jubiläumssendung mit alle boys & girls!
... auch wenn wir es dieses Jahr nicht schaffen, wie im letzten Jahr unser Jubiläum mit einer dicken Party zu feiern, werden wir doch wenigstens on air zusehen, dass alle auf ihre Kosten kommen.
Juliane Martin
Maik Robach (alias Yeti-Boy)
Georg Möckel (alias Schorsch)
Raphael Smarzoch (alias The Mighty Doomlord)
Johannes Menke (alias Sascha Hehn)
Jan Wenz (alias The Real Adonis)
Deniz Kilic (A New Kid On The Block)
Florian Stein (alias Le Firefighter)
Nadine Khayat (alias The Quiet One)
Hospitant Robert Schmidt
01. motorpsycho - no evil (black hole, blanck canvas) stickman
02. battles - sz2 (epc) warp
03. boy sets fire - so long and thanks for all the crutches (the misery index) burning heart records
04. raised fist - you ignore them all (sound of the republic) burning heart records
05. agent orange - three four one (a stolen honda vision) fierce panda
06. lost in rome - light bearer (beloved be the ones who sit down) goodlife rec.
07. jesu - star (silver) hydra head
08. woog riots - frankenstein tattoo (strangelove tv) what's so funny about
09. soviettes, the - multiply and divide (III) fat wreck
10. ladies, the - so much for the fourth wall (they mean us) temporary records
11. akercocke - eyes of the dawn (words that go unspoken deeds that go undone)
12. the jonbenet - eleventh century folklore (the plot thickens) pluto rec
13. 65 days of static - betraying chino
14. tivol - tivoloid part 2: raivaojat (interstellar overbike) last visible dog
15. thrice - stare at the sun (acoustic) (if we could only see us now) atlantic
16. thrice - for miles (vheissu) atlantic
17. taking back sunday - spin (louder now) warner
18. the futureheads - skip to the end (news and tributes) warner
19. ostinato - monkey gestures (chasing the form) southern records
20. banana erectors, the - you got that uh uh (alright, this time just the girls vol 2) sympathy for the record industry
21. mi and l'au - bums (mi and l'au) young god records
22. mono - you are there (the flames beyond the cold mountain) human highway