Leitung: Max Jagielski & David Braasch


The Nightfly vom 09.11.2008:

ein ABC des Jazz - Playlist

musikalische Buchstabenkunde

alex guni & peace - reaktor 5
bartel, marcus und ralf hesse - hammond eggs
christian winninghof - fools in love
didgerission - semira
eigt ball & white horse - wollongong sketch
francois de ribaupierre trio
goulart, eli - eli's samba
hassenstein, christian - lizette
jarrett, keith trio - all the things you are
kahr, michael quartet - steps
lyman, arthur - lullaby of the leaves
mike stern - gossip
nils wogram - concret view
oliver leicht - jajaja
philipp van endert - interplay
root70 - time flies
speer, frank - tayste
talking horns - a little gospeltune
underkarl - where are the fish
valktrio - my mellow bone
wingold, frank - caterpillar
yesterdays new quintet - broken dreams
zuco 103 - brasilectro


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