Born to be Horn!
Die Talking Horns zu Gast im Studio
Born to be Horn! Nein, diesmal geht es nicht um den Moderator dieser Sendung, sondern um die legendären Talking Horns, die Erfinder der BLAZZMUSIK.
Mit Ihrem Maskottchem dem Nashorn ziehen Sie musikalisch seit Jahrzehnten durch die Lande, vom Okawango Delta bis in den Norden Mühlheims und haben unzählige Klangstätten bespielt. 2 x Blech und 2 x Holz bitte und dann ist es angerichtet. Die neue CD "Born to be Horn" wird zwar erst am 22. Februar im Alten Pfandhaus vorgestellt, wir bei KölnCampus dürfen da natürlich schon zusammen mit den Talking Horns im Studio reinhören.
Moderation: Dietmar "Talking" Horn
Gast: Talking Horn Achim Fink
20:01 talking horns -ulaan bator (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:02 talking horns -raggpapa (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:10 talking horns -wuzz (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:11 talking horns -kushagras (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:20 talking horns -sarabande latino (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:25 talking horns -ein kleines lied möbliert (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:32 talking horns -ting (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:38 talking horns -phongos (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:45 talking horns -god's own spaceship (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:52 talking horns -auf zum sambesi (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
20:58 talking horns -serengeti inn (fisch im wasser, valve hearts 1997)
21:05 talking horns -ahmed (blow up, westpark music 2003)
21:12 Born to be Horn! Nein, diesmal geht es nicht um den Moderator dieser Sendung, sondern um die legendären
21:13 talking horns -nautilus (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:15 talking horns -eichhörnchenballet (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:25 talking horns -pavane pour une infante defunte (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:31 talking horns -lauern (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:35 talking horns -schattentanz (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:40 talking horns -arme leute funk (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:46 talking horns -sawa sawa (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:47 talking horns -autoputt (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)
21:55 talking horns -hottenbacher kriminalfest (born to be horn, westpark music 2008)