heiße tunes vs. Kälteeinbruch
...im Nachdurst KLANG
Aus der Musikredaktion zu Gast: Anke van de Weyer
01. nneka - conscience (paris version) (to and fro) yo mama
02. maccabees, the - william powers (wall of arms) cooperative music
03. powersolo - pirates of the oblivion (Bloodskinbones) crunchy frog
04. mexican institute of sound - sinfonia agridulce (soy sauce) cooking vinyl
05. qrella, masha - pink frost (v.a. - v.a. - not given lightly...) morr music
06. sin fang bous - catch the light (clangour) morr music
07. lytle, jason - the commuter (yours truly, the commuter) anti
08. pains of being pure at heart, the - come saturday (pains of being pure at heart, the) fortunapop
09. felice brothers, the - penn station (yonder is the clock) team love
10. veils, the - three sisters (sun gangs) rough trade
11. rotfront - b-style (emigrantski raggamuffin) essay
12. tahiti boy and the palmtree family - 1973 (good children go to heaven) third side