Leitung: Katrin Steinhausen, Joshua Gerhard


Nachdurst vom 06.08.2008:

Heiße Klänge

bei 0% Regenrisiko

Wie immer neue Mucke, ans Herz gelegt von Mikula Schiffer.


01. street dogs - guns (state of grace) hellcat
02. licht, peter - alles was du siehst gehört dir (single) motor music
03. juke joint pimps, the - rollin and tumblin (boogie the house down beat) voodoo rhythm records
04. silvestri, daniele - monetine (monetine) sony
05. beehoover - dance like a volcano (the sun behind the dustbin) exile on mainstream
06. gotye - learnalilgivinanlovin (single) lucky number
07. hammond jr., albert - you won't be fooled by this (como te llama) rough trade
08. booka shade – control me (the sun & the neon light) get physical
09. bowerbirds - in our talons (hymns for a dark horse) dead oceans
10. me first & the gimme gimmes - country roads (have another ball) fat wreck chords
11. shortwave set, the - now til '69 (now til '69 ep) wall of sound
12. louis xiv - guilt by association (slick dogs and ponies) pineapple


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