Leitung: Amanda Andreas, Rinske van der Horst


Cut and Paste vom 17.12.2009:

Wir machen schon wieder den Affen!

Primatenmusik (Teil 2) & Take 5 meets Filmspur Hoch 10

Zum Ausklang des Darwin-Jahres gibt es heute ab 18:00 den zweiten Teil unserer fulminanten Affensendung! 60 Minuten lang nur Bands und Lieder, die sich um Affen drehen.
Am Mikro sind Mikula Schiffer, Michael Oleownik , der musikalische Binnenschifffahrtskapitän Traxman (Soundflat Records) und Klaas Reese.

von zippers - monkey on you (single) estrus
apemen, the - invasion of the apemen (single) kogar
edwards, t. tex & disgraceland - monkey see, monkey do (single) living
5 du-tones, the - monkey see, monkey do (single) one-derful
rocky fellers - monkey see, monkey do (single) forever oldies
car thieves - everybody's going ape (single) radio x
borton, billy boy - monkey business (single) gruf reef
rusty draper - hip monkey (single) mercury
smugglers - smoking monkeys (single) rocknroll inc. - smugglers, the
davis, mac - hey monkey (single) vee jay
beaumont, cee bee - monkey toe (single) damaged goods
jean queens - monkey wobbles (single) pip
hekawis, the - monkey woman (single) corduroy
9 pound hammer - theme from: motorcycle monkeys (single) answer
furious george - monkey in a man suit (single) lookout
king, freddy - monkey donkey (single) federal
evolution, the - primate not ape (single) kryptonite
cannon, freddy - everybody monkey (single) swan
walker, gene & the combo - sophisticated monkey (single) a rock
don & dewey - koko joe (single) specialty
king, freddy - surf monkey (single) federal


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