Leitung: Rinske van der Horst und Amanda Andreas


03.11.08 – 16.11.08

Verfasst am

01. bomb the bass – butterfingers (feat. fujiya & miyagi) (future chaos) k7!
02. bound stems - happens to us all otherwise (the family afloat) flameshove
03. broadcast 2000 - get up & go (j. yuill remix) (single) grönland
04. clark, anne - full moon (single) warner
05. deichkind - arbeit nervt (single) universal
06. dillinger four - gainesville (civil war) fat wreck
07. fujiya & miyagi - knickerbocker (lightbulbs) grönland
08. john dear mowing club - the first time i heard townes (john dear mowing club) hazelwood music
09. johnny rocket - losing principles (pain is her game) wolverine
10. la vieja guardia - hialeah deathstomp (la vieja guardia) iscream records
11. li, lykke - i'm good, i'm gone (youth novels) warner
12. lunch, lydia - la obaga porta a soril (ghosts of spain) widiwspeak
13. max tundra - will get fooled again (single) domino
14. mercury rev - a squirrel and i (snowflake midnight) cooperative music
15. monotekktoni - where's the hole (different steps to stumble) sinnbus
16. new pornographers, the - all for swinging you around (heroes - ost) warner
17. of montreal - gallery piece (skeletal lamping) polyvinyl
18. pivot - o soundtrack my heart (single) warp
19. rouse, josh - easy street (bedroom classics, vol.3) digital download auf www.joshrouse.com
20. southern tenant folk union - cocaine (revivals, rituals & union songs) dandyland
21. stereo mc's - black gold (single) pias
22. streets, the - heaven for the weather (everything is borrowed) pure groove ltd.
23. submarines, the - you, me and the bourgeoisie (single) nettwerk
24. tilly and the wall - potkettle black (o) moshi moshi
25. torrini, emilíana - heard it all before (me and armini) rough trade
26. volcano! - performance evaluation shuffle (paperwork) leaf
27. williams, lucinda - jailhouse tears (little honey) lost highway/universal
28. wovenhand - quiet nights of quiet stars (ten stones) soundy familyre
29. wyatt, robert & bertrand burgalat - this summer night (single) domino
30. wye oak - warning (if children) affairs of the heart

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